Anna Jaworski
Keynote or Event Speaker Live or Virtual
- Anna Jaworski
“You are not alone.”
Would you like to hire Anna to speak at your event or for your organization?
Here are some of Anna’s speech topics:
Public Speaking
From Introvert to Public Speaker
When Your Message Really Matters (Advocacy)
The Dos and Don'ts of Public Speaking
Toastmasters: My Learning Laboratory
Homeschooling a CHC/CHD Child
Setting Up Your Homeschool for Success
Multi-modality Learning
One Mom's Homeschooling Journey
Congenital Heart Conditions/Defects
You Are Not Alone (Anna's trademark keynote)
Stories from the Heart (stories about different children and adults with CHCs)
Parenting a CHC Child
When Your CHC Child Grows Up
Learning to be Your CHC Child's Advocate
The Book Within You (Anna's trademark keynote)
Self-Publishing Then and Now (A brief history on self-publishing)
Writing as Healing
Memoir Writing
How to Create an Anthology
Podcasting for Nonprofits
How to Start a Podcast
Podcasting Dos and Don'ts
Creating a Podcast Network
Anna was the Emcee for Mended Little Hearts in 2019 and for the Adult Congenital Heart Conference at Houston Methodist Hospital in 2019.
Institutions and Organizations that have hired Anna as a Motivational, Inspirational, and Keynote Speaker